Why do I always rant or rave about the stock market? Because you can't talk about investing without mentioning it. Do you know that everyone who's an employee, who pays for SSS, is actually investing, indirectly, in the stock market? Where do you think our premiums go to? (Not the politicians' pockets ok...)
I met up with 2 of my closest ex-office mates last night. And we were talking about big dreams. The topic led us to a discussion about NGO's.
I myself have a dream that one day, I'll be able to do what Mohammad Yunus did. I strongly urge you to read Banker to the Poor, as shown below. There are many insights that you will get from that book. (You can't "search inside". This picture is from Amazon, thank you.)

The idealist in me believes that in life there are two types of basic freedom that the poor must have. These, I think, are the ingredients that can raise them above their current status in life..
* Free access to QUALITY public education
* Free access to credit
Wow, it's so hifalutin! I impress myself sometimes haha. And you know, you don't even have to memorize the national anthem to know that you love your country. Haha. Couldn't resist.
So why credit? We have to push people to become entrepreneurs, if not employees. In Mohammad's examples, he gave credit to housewives to make hand baskets. It's so simple, but it gives them money. When poor people have money, I'd think they usually spend it on education. If we get that ball rolling, in 10 years time, we'll have a bigger pool of great minds.
It is ironic, that when you go to the bank for a loan, they request for collateral. I don't understand. Isn't it the reason that you're loaning for money is that you didn't have it in the first place? Sometimes, what's obvious to you, isn't obvious to everyone.
During the height of People Power II (I was still in college then). Our course department wanted us to do marketing advocacy plans. Instead of doing marketing plans for consumer goods, we were to do a plan for NGOs and the like. Well that's a meaningful exercise right?
You know what marketing plan I'd like to do this time around? I want to do a marketing plan for the Philippine Stock Exchange! We need MORE investors. The average Juan still has no idea what it is. One day, I'm going to compile some misconceptions about it - local version. :-)
Sometimes the greatest investment isn't necessarily something that's monetarily rewarding. When the time is right, I'll share with you my own investment philosophy. For now, bits and pieces can already be found in this blog. I just have to complete that manuscript in my head. Then voila! Maybe I'll even publish a book. Yes.. That's an interesting idea!
Your comments keep this blog alive. So keep them coming!
**** Something to think about ****
I picked this up from the Internet. You really pick a lot of stuff from there :-)
Have you watched this movie? Well, try watching it, then read this. Somebody is watching us from above. And it might not just be God. Creepy.
it's really nice to know that there is a clamor towards information dissimination regarding investment to our fellow kababayans, and as you mentioned in the blog regarding mohammed yunus, he is truly indeed a nobel prize winner as reflected in the way he introduced grameen banking. I had the chance before to lead an advocacy on grameen banking when I was still working in a cooperative bank, all I could say is, it really did take time since, it's more of an attitude approach than just knowing the basics of saving generation. In the same way, am glad to know that this type of program continues to prosper and it's reflected how ADB and DBP allocate funds for this purpose. I am very new to investing and am looking forward to know more in due course....
I agree! As long as there are retail investors, there will be people out there who will offer insights and seminars on investing, etc.
Thanks for dropping by.
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